Crochet & Tie Dye

Photos by Priscilla Lemos

Today's outfit, in my opinion, is perfect for hot summer days. The best part is this hand crocheted cotton fringy halter top from 9th & Elm! They sell handmade and independent designs (this particular top is by Jayblue Handmade) and were kind enough to let me choose some things from their website, so when I saw this top I had to have it! I'm obsessed with anything that's crochet but the fringe and the open back on this top just make it absolutely beautiful. So I paired that with this tie dye maxi skirt that I got about 10 years ago when I was in Brazil. I think it's a super comfortable outfit that'll help keep you cool while still looking good! (Because that's what we all want, isn't it?)

Get the look:

Crochet Top: 9th & Elm
Skirt: Brazilian Street Market
Sandals: Forever 21
Earrings: Gift
Bracelets: Forever 21

O look de hoje, na minha opinião, é perfeito para dias quentes de verão (nos EUA é verão, pra quem não sabe). A minha peça preferida é essa frente única de crochê com franja da 9th & Elm! Eles vendem peças feitas a mão e de estilistas independentes (como a Jayblue Handmade que fez essa blusa). Eles deixaram eu escolher algumas coisas no site deles, então quando eu vi essa blusa eu tive que pegar! Eu sou apaixonada por peças de crochê, e com essas franjas e as costas abertas, essa blusa é simplesmente maravilhosa! Então resolvi usá-la com essa saia tie dye que comprei na feira hippie em Belo Horizonte há uns 10 anos atras. Acho esse look super comfortável e fresco mas mesmo assim bem lindo! (Afinal, é isso que nós queremos, né?)

Roube o look:

Blusa de Crochê: 9th & Elm
Saia: Feira Hippie
Sandália: Forever 21
Brinco: Presente
Pulseiras: Forever 21


  1. You look gorgeous! I am so in love with this whole look!

  2. Jessica, your bohemian styling is so pretty. Your attention to every detail results in such beauty. Loving your blog :)

    Xoxo from your fellow Teen Vogue buddy, Shelly

    1. Aw thank you so much!! Means a lot coming from a fellow blogger ♡

  3. Oh my gosh this outfit is amazing!!!

  4. In love with this outfit! Just wondering, where in Brazil did you get the skirt?

    1. Thank you! I got it at Feira Hippie in Belo Horizonte.

